Jody Azzouni


Cancer Can Be Fatal

Originally published in Amelia, January 1986.
Added 4/29/2021
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Cancer Can Be Fatal

Poem | Jody's Notes


Once there was sunlight in my urine

and now there is only blood.

The whitely-clad doctors have

fastidiously suggested

I leave my body to Science.

But Science has failed me and I

want revenge. How could I have thought

a hospital would have helped? Why

didn’t I think of the other inmates

curled up on their mattresses

like writing on tombstones?


I want to die now at home. But I am

too cowardly to invite the razor,

or listen to the gaseous music

my car can play. Instead

I sit in a bar, watch ice

cry itself into nonexistence in my glass,

and wish my own death could be as romantic.